📣 Bugun Abu Ali ibn Sino nomidagi ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabida ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari tomonidan haqiqiy imtihon muhitini yaratish maqsadida IELTS-MOCK test sinovlari o’tkazildi.

⚡️ Ushbu test imtihonidan ko’zlangan maqsad o’quvchilarda o’z ustilarida ko’proq ishlash hamda o’zlariga bo’lgan ishonchni yanada oshirishdan iboratdir.

📌 Ma’lumot o’rnida, bugun tinglab tushunish (listening), o’qish ( reading) va yozish(writing) bo’limlarida imtihonga kirgan o’quvchilarimiz, ertaga gapirish( speaking) ko’nikmasi bo’yicha sinovdan o’tkaziladi.


📕 The Mock test is a practice exam that matches the format and rules of an actual exam. It works as a tool for students to prepare for upcoming assessments. Mock tests help students practice for exams by letting them feel what it’s like to take a test.

🔔 In order to create such an outstanding atmosphere for our brilliant students, English teachers organized a mock test on Wednesday, December 18 at the specialized school named after Abu Ali ibn Sino.